Fifth International Joint Meeting on THORACIC SURGERY 2021
Form: Speaker abstracts and profiles
Personal data protection
In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of the Spanish organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on personal data protection (from hereon 'LOPD'), ACTO GESTIO I ASSESSORAMENT DE CONGRESSOS S.L. informs you that the data of personal nature that you provide us when you complete the form which appears on this page are collected in files for which ACTO GESTIO I ASSESSORAMENT DE CONGRESSOS S.L is responsible, and these data will be processed solely for the same purpose as the form itself. The act of completing this form implies that the user recognises that the information and personal data provided are their own, accurate and correct. The user may access their personal data, rectify or delete them or challenge their processing under the terms and conditions provided for in the LOPD, by addressing their concerns in writing to ACTO GESTIO I ASSESSORAMENT DE CONGRESSOS S.L C/ BONAIRE 7. 08301. MATARO. BARCELONA.